Sleep disturbance or insomnia includes difficulty sleeping continuously for long hours, and it is one of the most common medical problems in people who suffer from insomnia and wake up from sleep and remain inactive and restless, which affects their performance during the day.
Insomnia affects not only energy and mood, but also health, performance at work, and quality of life. Everyone needs a different number of hours of sleep. Adults often need seven or eight hours of sleep each night.
More than a third of adults suffer from insomnia at some point, and 10%-15% complain of chronic long-term sleep disturbances, and sleep problems in children are very common.
In any case, there is no need to suffer long nights from the problem of insomnia and its consequences; This is because a simple change in daily habits can solve the problem of insomnia and restore the necessary rest.
Insomnia symptoms:
* Difficulty falling asleep at night.
* Waking up during the night.
*Wake up early.
* Feeling insufficient rest after sleeping at night.
* Tiredness or drowsiness during the day.
Nervousness, depression, or anxiety.
Difficulty concentrating on tasks.
* Lots of errors and accidents.
*Tension headache.
* Symptoms in the digestive system.
Constant worry about sleep.
Causes of insomnia:
1. Medicines
Medications that may affect sleep include: antidepressants, heart and blood pressure medications, anti-allergic medications, stimulants, and corticosteroids.
2. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol
Coffee, tea, cola, and other caffeinated beverages are known to be stimulants.
3. Medical problems
Chronic pain from breathing problems or frequent urination may cause insomnia. Other medical problems related to insomnia include:
* Arthritis.
Congestive heart failure (CHF - Congestive heart failure).
* Diabetes.
* Diseases of the lungs.
* Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
* Hyperthyroidism.
*Parkinson's disease.
*Alzheimer's disease.
4. Acquired insomnia
This type may appear in the case of severe anxiety about lack of sleep and trying to sleep too much, most people who suffer from acquired insomnia sleep better when they are not in their natural environment or when they are not trying to sleep, such as: while watching TV, or while reading.
5. Aging
Insomnia is more common in old age, as you may experience changes in old age that affect sleep, including:
Changes in sleep patterns: Sleep is often more difficult in old age, as NREM - Non rapid eye movement stages 1 and 2 take longer, stages 3 and 4 take shorter, stage 1 is napping, and stage 2 It is light sleep, and stage 3 is deep sleep, the most relaxing and gentle type, since sleep is easier, the more likely it is to wake up, and with age, the biological clock also advances, meaning that feeling tired begins at an earlier hour and waking up earlier in the morning, with that it remains Older people need the same number of hours of sleep as young people.
*Changes in activity level: Older people are sometimes less physically and socially active.
Changes in health: Chronic pain caused by arthritis or back problems, depression, anxiety and stress may affect sleep.
6. Other sleep disorders
Such as sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome (RLS), which become more common with age. Its uncontrollable agitation, which may prevent falling asleep.
Insomnia diagnosis:
The doctor asks some questions and asks to fill out a questionnaire to determine the patterns of sleep and wakefulness and the level of sleepiness during the daytime hours. It may be necessary to fill out a sleep diary for two weeks.
The doctor performs a physical exam, looking for signs of other problems that may be causing insomnia, and usually a blood test to check for thyroid activity or other factors that can cause insomnia.
If signs of other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome are detected, sleep may be required in a sleep laboratory for one night, where sleep examinations are performed such as: Tests to monitor and measure various physical activities during sleep, including brain waves breathing, heartbeat, eye movements, and body movements.
Insomnia treatment:
Changing sleep habits while addressing the factors that cause insomnia may restore to many people their ability to sleep a good, restful sleep by simple steps such as: going to sleep at a fixed hour and getting up at a fixed hour that contribute to a deep sleep and alertness during the day If these measures do not work, the doctor may recommend sedative or hypnotic drugs.
1. Behavioral Therapy
Behavioral therapy teaches new sleep habits and provides tools to help make the sleeping environment more comfortable for sleep. Behavioral therapy is often recommended as a first step to solving insomnia.
Behavioral therapy includes:
* Teach good sleep habits.
Relaxation techniques and methods.
Cognitive therapy.
* Control stimuli.
* Define sleep.
*Light therapy.
2. Drug therapy
Doctors usually advise not to rely on medical drugs for more than a few weeks, while there are new drugs that are allowed to be taken for an indefinite period of time,
If a person suffers from depression in addition to insomnia, a doctor may prescribe antidepressants with a hypnotic effect.
It is not recommended that you take medicines from
Meet yourself, the doctor is responsible for prescribing the appropriate medication for your condition.
Insomnia prevention
The most important prevention methods include the following:
*Keep your bedtime and wake-up time consistent from day to day, including on weekends.
*Keep active. Regular activity helps promote a good night's sleep.
*Check your medications to see if they contribute to insomnia.
* Avoid or limit naps.
*Avoid or reduce caffeine and alcohol, and do not use nicotine.
* Avoid large meals and drinks before bed.
*Make your bedroom comfortable for sleeping and only use it for sex or sleep.
Create a relaxing bedtime ritual, such as taking a warm bath, reading, or listening to relaxing music.