Acute appendicitis is one of the difficult diseases that are more common in men than in women, which needs special attention as it may cause death in many cases.
Important information about acute appendicitis
Important information about acute appendicitis includes the following:
* The appendix develops as an extension of the primary large intestine (Cecum), in the lower right side of the abdomen, and is located in 95% of cases within the peritoneum, and the appendix may be about 10 cm long.
* Acute appendicitis is a sudden and severe inflammation of the appendix, which causes abdominal pain, and this pain may occur suddenly or may increase over several hours.
* It is worth noting that any obstruction or inflammation of the appendix can lead to swelling, which may cause acute appendicitis.
*This is a medical emergency, and people will need immediate medical attention if they develop any symptoms of appendicitis.
*The appendix can rupture or burst if not treated within 48-72 hours of a person first showing symptoms of acute appendicitis.
A ruptured or burst appendix can lead to a serious infection called peritonitis, which can be life threatening, and requires immediate emergency medical care.
Symptoms of acute appendicitis:
Symptoms of acute appendicitis can be divided according to age group as follows:
1. Acute appendicitis in adults
They include the following:
* Abdominal pain that starts in the umbilical region and then moves to the lower right part of the abdomen.
* Nausea and vomiting.
* constipation.
*High temperature.
Gases in the abdomen.
* Changes in the normal functioning of the intestine.
Symptoms of acute appendicitis in children
They include the following:
Walk slowly, bending to the right.
Sclerosis in the muscles of the abdominal wall
*High temperature.
* Symptoms of dehydration.
Causes of acute appendicitis:
Acute appendicitis occurs when something blocks the appendix. This may be due to:
* Viral, bacterial or parasitic infection in the digestive system, which can lead to the expansion of the appendix wall tissue.
* Stools cause blockage of the tube in the large intestine.
* Tumors.
* Inflammatory bowel diseases.
Abdominal injury or trauma.
It is worth noting that with increasing swelling, the blood flow to the appendix decreases and then stops completely. In this case, the appendix begins to die, or it can rupture or explode.
Complications of acute appendicitis
Among the important notes regarding the complications that can be caused by acute appendicitis are the following:
*If the condition is not treated immediately, acute appendicitis may cause the appendix to burst, leading to a condition called peritonitis.
* Peritonitis causes many symptoms, such as nausea, fever, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain.
* Peritonitis is a serious infection that can be life threatening if not treated immediately by cleaning the area properly.
Untreated acute appendicitis may lead to an abscess of the appendix, in which case drainage of the abscess is required.
* Another potential complication that acute appendicitis can cause is complete bowel obstruction.
Treatment of acute appendicitis
Among the important notes regarding the treatment of acute appendicitis are the following:
*Most people initially need immediate surgery to remove the appendix, and it is important to receive prompt treatment to reduce the risk of the appendix bursting.
* There are two types of surgery to remove the appendix, namely, laparoscopic surgery and abdominal surgery.
* During laparoscopy, the doctor makes several small cuts in the abdomen to remove the appendix, while he makes one incision in the lower right side of the abdomen in cases of abdominal surgery to remove the appendix.
* A burst appendix may cause an injury to the lining of the abdominal wall; Therefore, the surgeon may need, after removing the appendix, to clean the inside of the abdomen to prevent any infections.
*In some cases, antibiotics may be sufficient to treat mild cases of acute appendicitis, as they are initially prescribed to anyone who may be infected.