Otitis Externa
Sep 09, 2023
10 Min Read

Also known as swimmer's ear, otitis externa is an infection of the skin covering the outer ear canal and may occur after spending a long time in water or outdoors.

Symptoms of otitis externa in adults:
Symptoms of otitis externa in adults often begin mildly, but can worsen if the infection is not treated or when it spreads, so the symptoms will be classified according to the extent and severity of the inflammation. Here are the most important and prominent symptoms of otitis externa in adults:

1. Symptoms of otitis externa in adults are mild
Which may include the following:

* Itching and mild redness in the ear canal.
*Feeling mild discomfort that gets worse when the pinna is pulled or pressure is applied to the ear tragus.
* The exit of some transparent liquids that have no smell.

2. Symptoms of otitis externa in middle adults
which can guarantee the following:

* Increased itching.
*Increased pain.
*Ear redness is more severe.
*Excessive fluid secretion.
*A feeling of fullness inside the ear and partial closure of the ear canal due to fluid accumulation and swelling.
* Hearing problem, the sound may sound muffled or low.

3. Symptoms of otitis externa in advanced adults
Advanced symptoms include:

Severe pain that may spread to the face, neck, or side of the head.
Complete blockage of the ear canal.
Swelling or redness of the outer ear.
* Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

4. Other symptoms of otitis externa in adults
Below are some other symptoms associated with acute diffuse otitis externa, which is the most common type and can last for up to 3 weeks, affects the entire ear canal, and may extend to the outer ear and eardrum:

* Redness and swelling of both the outer ear and the ear canal.
*Pain in the area.
*Scaly skin in and around the ear canal.
* Watery or purulent secretions that may have a foul odor.
*Itching and irritation in and around the ear canal.
*Pain when moving the ear or jaw.
*Inflammation and swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat.
*Partial hearing loss if the swelling inside the ear is severe.

When should you visit a doctor?
You should always see a doctor if any of the above symptoms of ear infection appear, but there are some other additional symptoms that require a doctor to be seen, including the following:

*Feeling dizzy or ringing in the ears: which may indicate the presence of a more serious problem that needs to be examined by a doctor.
*Very severe and severe pain: The doctor can prescribe you a medication that relieves your pain and gives you comfort.
*A skin rash on the scalp or near the ear: which may indicate seborrheic dermatitis or herpes zoster (shingles), and then the doctor can recommend appropriate treatment.

Other symptoms: fever.

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