A phobia is an irrational fear in its intensity or nature. This fear is associated with a specific object, event, or situation, and exposure to the cause of the fear causes immediate anxiety.
Teenagers and adults usually acknowledge the fact that their fear is excessive and irrational, while children do not always acknowledge this fact.
The person usually tries to avoid exposure to the fear factor, but sometimes he tries to confront it. Phobia can be considered a psychological disorder only when fear, anxiety, or avoidance of exposure to the fear factor causes significant disruption in the course of daily life, or in job or social performance, or It causes a feeling of great internal tension.
The prevalence of phobic disorders is about 1% of the population, but most phobias in adults do not lead to severe distress or major disruption in life. Therefore, many do not seek professional help in order to avoid statistical registration, and therefore the incidence of phobias is likely much higher than reported.
Most phobias are also common among family members of the person with this condition.
Phobic disorders often begin in the late teens or early twenties, with the onset usually being sudden and manifesting as an attack of fear due to the presence of the agent that from the initial exposure onwards will become the trigger for the phobia.
In most cases, we cannot immediately know the reason for the appearance of symptoms, but only through the process of psychotherapy can we understand and reconstruct the psychological factors for the emergence of irrational fear in specific circumstances.
Types of phobias
The most prominent types of phobias include the following:
1. Fear of open spaces disorder
Such as fear of being in open spaces and crowded public places, such as: shopping centers, or public transportation, which are characterized by the inability to escape people's gazes.
In severe cases, people who suffer from this disorder do not leave their homes, as this fear accounts for about 60% of phobic disorders.
2. Social phobia
It is mainly characterized by a person's fear of causing shame to himself, or appearing stupid or unacceptable in the eyes of people, and these people are ashamed to speak, write, or eat in front of others.
3. Simple phobia
It is related to fear of a specific thing, such as an animal, or fear of certain situations such as fear of heights or fear of closed spaces.
4. Other types
They include the following:
*Fear of high places.
*Fear of open spaces.
*Fear of pain.
*Fear of closed spaces.
*Fear of strangers.
*Fear of illness.
*Fear of injections.
*Fear of blood.
*Fear of dental treatment.
*Fear of animals, such as: spiders, snakes, and dogs.
It should be noted that phobias related to medical procedures describe a feeling of disgust rather than a feeling of fear.
Phobia symptoms:
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder where you may not experience any symptoms until you come into contact with the source of your phobia, but in some cases even thinking about the source of the phobia can make a person feel anxious or panicky and this is known as anticipatory anxiety.
Symptoms of phobia may include the following:
*Unsteadiness, dizziness, and vertigo.
*Increased heart rate or palpitations.
*shortness of breath.
*Shaking or shaking.
If you are not in contact with the source of your phobia often, it may not affect your daily life, but if you suffer from a complex phobia, such as agoraphobia, it may be very difficult to live a normal life.
Causes and risk factors of phobia
It is unusual for a phobia to begin after the age of 30. Most begin during early childhood, the teenage years, or early adulthood. It can be caused by a stressful experience, a frightening event, or a parent or family member with a phobia. The child can Learn it.
The following is an explanation of the most prominent causes of phobia:
1. Causes of specific phobia
This usually develops before the age of 4-8 years, and in some cases may be the result of a traumatic early experience. One example is claustrophobia, which develops over time after a younger child has an unpleasant experience in a confined space.
A phobia that begins during childhood can also be caused by witnessing the phobia of a family member. A child whose mother suffers from a phobia of spiders, for example, is more likely to develop the same phobia.
2. Causes of complex phobia
More research is needed to confirm why a person develops agoraphobia or social anxiety, but complex phobias are currently thought to be caused by a combination of life experiences, brain chemistry, and genetics.
Complications of phobia:
Although phobias may seem silly to others, they can be devastating to the people who suffer from them and cause problems that affect many aspects of life. The most prominent complications include the following:
1. Social isolation
Avoiding places and things you fear can cause academic and vocational problems. Relationship Children with these disorders are at risk for academic problems and loneliness, and they may have trouble with social skills if their behaviors differ greatly from their peers.
2. Mood disorders
Many people with phobias suffer from depression in addition to other anxiety disorders.
3. Drug abuse
The stress of living with a severe phobia may lead to drug or alcohol abuse.
4. Suicide
Some individuals with specific phobias may be at risk for suicide.
Diagnosis of phobia:
Phobias are not usually formally diagnosed as most people with phobias are fully aware of the problem, and the person will sometimes choose to live with the phobia while being very careful to avoid the thing or situation they are afraid of.
But if you have a phobia, constantly trying to avoid what you fear will make the situation worse.
Seek help from your GP if you suffer from a phobia. They may refer you to a specialist with experience in behavioral therapy, such as a psychiatrist.
Phobia treatment:
All types of phobias can be treated
It can be treated almost successfully, as simple phobias can be treated by:
1. Gradual exposure
Gradual exposure to objects, animals, places, or situations that cause fear and anxiety. This is known as desensitization or self-exposure therapy.
2. Psychotherapy
You can try gradual exposure techniques with the help of a professional or as part of a self-help program. Treatment for complex phobias often takes longer and involves talking therapies, such as:
*Cognitive behavioral therapy.
3. Drug treatment
Medications are not usually used to treat phobias, but are sometimes prescribed to help people deal with the effects of anxiety.
Medications that may be used include the following:
*Beta blockers.
Phobia prevention:
If you suffer from a specific phobia, consider getting psychological help, especially if you have children. Although genes likely play a role in the development of certain phobias, repeated occurrences of phobias in adults can lead to the development of specific phobias in children. .
By addressing your fears you will teach your child excellent resilience skills and encourage them to take courageous actions just like you did.