Calcium is an important and necessary mineral for the body, which you need in particular to build strong bones and teeth, and is also important for a healthy heart and muscles.
When the body does not get enough calcium, this increases the risk of developing diseases such as:
* Hypocalcemia.
* Osteopenia.
If children do not get enough calcium when they are young, this may hinder their growth to normal height in adulthood.
Symptoms of calcium deficiency:
Calcium deficiency symptoms do not appear in the early periods, as the body continues to supply itself with its need of calcium by taking it from the bones.
But prolonged calcium deficiency has serious health effects and symptoms, including:
Confusion, confusion and memory loss.
* Muscle cramping and tightness.
* Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet and face.
* hallucinations.
Thinning and weakness in the nails.
* Easy exposure to bone fractures.
Calcium deficiency can affect all parts of the body, including slowed hair growth and damaged, pale and weak skin.
Diagnosis and treatment:
Normal levels of calcium in the body for an adult range from 8.8-10.4 mg per deciliter. If a person develops a calcium deficiency, it can be easily treated.
These are the treatment solutions offered:
*Take calcium supplements under the supervision of the attending physician, while adhering to the recommended doses.
Simple changes to the diet and eating more calcium sources.
If the above two methods are not sufficient, the doctor may resort to giving the person with deficiency calcium injections regularly.
Usually, the positive effects of treatment begin to appear on the patient a few weeks after starting treatment.
However, in severe cases of deficiency who have developed symptoms of serious calcium deficiency, successive periods of treatment may be required, each lasting between 1-3 months of treatment and monitoring.