Rheumatism is an inflammation of the joints of the body, and it is classified as an autoimmune disease as well, and rheumatism particularly affects the joints of the fingers, hands, knees, and feet. What are the main symptoms of the disease?
Symptoms of rheumatism
There are some common and early symptoms of rheumatism, which are as follows:
1- fatigue
It is one of the common and first symptoms of rheumatic disease, which accompanies the patient at all stages of the infection as well.
Fatigue may be the body's reaction to arthritis, lack of sleep and even the medications taken, which would negatively affect the patient's mental health and even sexuality.
The fatigue resulting from this injury may be accompanied by some different symptoms such as loss of appetite and weight.
2- Pain in the joints
One of the most important symptoms that characterizes rheumatism is joint pain.
Joint pain increases when swollen, as a result of swelling and an increase in the level of fluid in the area.
In turn, this causes the joints to stretch and irritate the capsules that surround them, knowing that these capsules contain nerve endings, which work to send pain signals to the brain.
3- Swollen joints
As we mentioned, rheumatism is associated with joint swelling, thus increasing the pain mentioned and explained in the previous point.
This swelling can hinder and make it difficult to sleep, as well as impede the movement of the affected joints.
4- Redness of the joints
An early symptom of rheumatism is redness of the affected joints.
This redness in the skin surrounding the affected joints, appears as a result of the expansion and expansion of the capillaries in the area.
5- hot joints
If the affected joints are hot and overheated, this indicates that the disease is active.
When the disease begins to respond to treatment, this symptom gradually disappears.
6- joint stiffness
It is one of the most common symptoms of rheumatism, and this is especially evident during the morning hours compared to the day.
This problem decreases with the appropriate treatment for your health condition.