Causes of cold extremities
Apr 04, 2022
3 Min Read

Changes in temperature, as well as health and lifestyle choices, are among the most common causes of cold extremities, and controlling these factors can help relieve symptoms.

Causes of cold extremities
There are many reasons that you do not expect to cause coldness in your extremities, including the following:

​Anemia occurs when your body cannot produce enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body, causing a feeling of cold in your extremities.

​This gland helps regulate chemical reactions and metabolic processes to produce energy in the body, and if this gland does not produce enough hormones, you may develop hypothyroidism, and consequently cold extremities.

Vascular disorder:
​If your hands and feet feel cold, you may have a vascular disorder, in which blood flow to your arms and legs is restricted.

One of the causes of cold extremities is kidney damage that arises as a result of diabetes and is known as diabetic nephropathy, and one of its symptoms is feeling cold all the time.

​It is a type of eating disorder, in which the bodies of sufferers become weak due to intense anxiety about gaining weight, and feeling cold is one of the symptoms of anorexia.

cold temperatures:
​The low temperatures cause constriction in the blood vessels, which reduces blood flow and thus the feeling of coldness in the extremities.

Extreme stress or anxiety:
​Feeling in a state of stress or anxiety causes adrenaline to be pumped into the body, which leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels in the extremities, thus reducing blood flow and feeling cold.

Nerve disorders:
​Nerve damage may occur due to trauma or injury, such as: severe frostbite, neuropathy caused by liver or kidney disease or genetics, which causes cold extremities.

Vitamin B12 deficiency:
Vitamin B12 deficiency causes a range of symptoms related to nerve impairment, including cold extremities, numbness and tingling.

Cold extremity home remedies:

It is necessary to carry out the necessary tests that diagnose the causes that caused cold extremities, and then search for possible treatments.

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