Heart attacks
Apr 04, 2022
5 Min Read

Heart attacks are common things that can affect many people, but this does not mean that the matter should be ignored, especially in the case of its recurrence and persistence, as it may be an indication of a health problem that requires medical intervention.

Causes of frequent heart attacks:
There are some reasons that can lead to frequent heart attacks, most notably the following:
Smoking: Smoking is a bad habit that affects the health of the heart, as cigarettes contain nicotine, which causes severe damage and can lead to cramps.
Exerting intense effort: the heart attacks can return to intense and sudden exertion, and in this case it is a temporary and not continuous matter.
* Psychological state: There is a link between mental state and heart health, as constant jitters can occur when feeling anxious and tense.
* Health problems: Frequent twitches can be caused by a disease, such as: heart problems, thyroid diseases, anemia, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
* Eating unhealthy foods: When you eat a lot of foods rich in fat, fats or carbohydrates, it can result in heart palpitations, and a feeling of convulsions.
Taking some medications: Some medications play a role in the incidence of persistent heart attacks, such as: slimming medications, asthma medications, heart medications, and thyroid medications.
* Dietary supplements: Therefore, they must be taken with a prescription, because taking them without the need for them may increase the chances of feeling heart attacks, especially in the case of non-compliance with the specified doses.
* Consumption of caffeinated drinks: Excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks leads to damage to the heart, including persistent irritability.

Symptoms associated with frequent heart attacks
Heart palpitations often come with some other symptoms depending on the cause, including the following:
* Rapid heart rate.
* Chest pain.
*shortness of breath.
* Chills and body tremors.

Risks of continuing frequent heart attacks
Frequent heart attacks should not be neglected because they can lead to serious complications, which include the following:

* Having a stroke in the heart: If the cause of the heart palpitations is related to a health problem in the heart, it can lead to a stroke in the heart, so you should go to the doctor when these twitches persist.
Severe bleeding: Severe bleeding is a serious complication of heart and blood vessel problems, which can begin with spurs and pain in the heart.
Choking: In the event of suffocation with chest pain and shortness of breath, the injured person can suffocate, and he needs to stimulate the heart muscle and artificial respiration.

Treatment of frequent heart attacks
The treatment of heart attacks lies in treating the cause that leads to them.

For example, if the cravings are caused by intense exertion, such as: playing sports or carrying heavy things, then you must stop doing this effort that the body cannot tolerate.

If the reason is a feeling of malaise and tension, then the cause of this feeling should be sought and started to overcome it by solving psychological problems.

Also, practicing sports, especially yoga and deep breathing, is one of the most important ways to relieve stress and feel calm and relaxed.

If the tingling continues, this indicates taking medications that do not fit the body or the presence of a health problem, and then you must talk to the doctor to find out the cause and start treating it.

How to prevent frequent heart attacks
Some methods help prevent frequent heart attacks resulting from wrong habits, most notably the following:

* Exercising appropriate to the body: It is necessary to stay away from intense exertion that causes heart attacks, especially when suffering from health problems that affect it, and it is preferable to follow up with a specialized trainer during exercise.
Follow a healthy diet: A healthy, balanced diet helps maintain the health of the various parts of the body, including the heart.
* Avoiding causes of stress and anxiety: It is recommended to avoid things that cause anxiety and stress, whether at work or personal life.
* Do not take over-the-counter medicines: whether medicines to treat some health problems, slimming medicines, or nutritional supplements, it should be ensured that the body needs them and is suitable for it.
* Do not take too much caffeine: as it can cause negative effects on heart health; Therefore, it is recommended to consume a moderate amount of caffeine daily.
Quitting smoking: Smoking is one of the most prominent wrong habits that lead to many health disorders, especially in the heart; Therefore, it is advised to follow the steps to stop smoking and not to return to it again.

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