panic attacks
Mar 03, 2022
5 Min Read

Panic is a disorder and psychological condition that results from repeated panic attacks that a person may suffer due to some factor.
Panic is not just a feeling, it is a type of mental disorder that requires special attention.

A panic attack is an escalating feeling of intense fear and discomfort that lasts for several minutes before fading away, in addition to some physical symptoms, such as: rapid heartbeat, breathing problems and difficulties, and sweating.
Panic is the repeated experience of panic attacks and fear, and statistics indicate that a panic attack often affects a person once or twice in his life, but people with the disease suffer from panic attacks at a rate of once a month.

Although complete treatment of the disease can be difficult, treatment helps control symptoms.

Symptoms of a panic attack:
Panic disorder usually appears in the patient in the stages of adolescence or early maturity before reaching the age of 25 years, and during a panic attack a large amount of fear is generated inside the sufferer without any warning signs.

A panic attack lasts between 10-20 minutes, but in some severe cases a panic attack may last for an hour.

Although a panic attack may differ from one person to another, these are the most important symptoms that may appear clearly on the affected person:

* Breathlessness.
Palpitations or rapid heartbeat.
* Chills or sweating.
* Dizziness and dizziness.
* Feeling of suffocation.
* Nausea.
* Pain and tightness in the chest.
*Fear of death.
* Tingling and numbness in the extremities.
* Hallucinations and a feeling of detachment from the body.

Diagnosis of panic:
Sometimes a person who has a panic attack thinks for the first time that he is having a heart attack, and when the person goes to the emergency room, the treating doctor will perform a set of tests that help diagnose the condition.

panic cure
After reaching the appropriate diagnosis, the patient is subjected to appropriate treatment that helps him alleviate the symptoms, and treatment includes the following:

* Cognitive behavioral therapy.
* Special medicines, such as: antidepressants.
Make simple life changes at home, such as:
*Maintain a daily routine and schedule.
*Exercise regularly.
* Get enough rest and sleep at night.
* Avoid caffeine.

Tips to relieve a panic attack:
If you feel that a panic attack is about to strike you, you can use the following techniques to control and speed up a panic attack:

* Breathe deeply.
*Close your eyes.
* Try to focus in your mind on a particular thing that makes you happy.
*Imagine a place where you feel happy when you are in it.
Repeat a motivational sentence inwardly or out loud.

Preventing panic:
Although preventing this type of mental disorder may not be possible, it is possible to reduce the chances of its occurrence or even the appearance of seizures by following the following guidelines:

*Avoid alcohol completely.
*Avoid caffeine completely.
* Avoid situations and situations that may cause stress.
Talk to a psychologist about any life stressors the person may be experiencing.

Possible complications of panic:
If a person's panic is not controlled and does not get the appropriate treatments to control the symptoms of panic attacks, this may cause a range of complications and health complications, such as:

Excessive consumption of alcohol in an attempt to escape from panic attacks.
* Going to the hospital many times and excessively because of the physical complications and excessive fear.
* Suicidal thoughts appear.
* Phobias and unjustified fear of ordinary things.
* Isolation and distance from family, friends and society.

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