A nervous or mental breakdown is a term used to describe a period of intense psychological distress, during which time a person cannot function in their daily life. The term was once used to refer to a wide range of mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, and stress disorder. Acute (acute stress reaction) Although "nervous breakdown" is no longer considered a medical term, it is still used by many to describe symptoms of extreme stress and an inability to deal with life's challenges, what others see as a mental breakdown may actually be Undiagnosed mental illness.
There is no agreed definition of what constitutes a nervous breakdown, and it is generally seen as a period when physical and emotional stress becomes unbearable and an individual's ability to function effectively is impaired.
Symptoms of a nervous breakdown:
You may experience physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms when a nervous breakdown occurs. The causes of a nervous breakdown vary from person to person. The underlying cause can also affect the symptoms of a nervous breakdown that you experience.
The most common symptoms of a nervous breakdown are:
Symptoms of depression, such as loss of hope and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
Anxiety with high blood pressure, tense muscles, dizziness, upset stomach, tremors and tremors.
* hallucinations.
Severe mood swings or unexplained outbursts.
Panic attacks, which include chest pain, detachment from reality and self, intense fear, and difficulty breathing.
Paranoia, such as believing that someone is watching or stalking you.
Recalling memories or snapshots of a traumatic event, which could indicate undiagnosed PTSD.
One of the symptoms of a nervous breakdown is the withdrawal of people who suffer from it and their isolation from their families and friends, and the symptoms of this withdrawal include the following:
Avoidance of social functions and obligations.
* Malnutrition and sleep disturbances.
* Lack of personal hygiene.
Absence from work for days due to illness or not going at all.
* Isolation at home.
You can get out of this psychological or behavioral distress by: Using either talk therapy (psychotherapy and talking to a therapist) or cognitive behavioral therapy.
It is normal for someone, at one time or another, to feel unable to deal with the stresses of life, if you do not deal with stress in a healthy way, or
If you are having difficulty performing your daily tasks, this could be a sign of a nervous breakdown and a mental health disorder, it is important for you to contact your doctor when you notice signs of a breakdown.