If you are in the first months of trying to conceive, you may be concerned that pregnancy did not occur as quickly as expected. In this article, we will remind you how long the process of conception may take? And when can we say that pregnancy is delayed? How can the chances of its occurrence be increased?
delayed pregnancy
Pregnancy occurs in most healthy couples within one year. If your age is less than 35 years and you have been trying to conceive for a year and pregnancy did not occur, then you should review and consult a doctor, while if you are 35 years old, you should see a doctor after 6 months of trying to conceive and not occur.
Reasons for delayed pregnancy
Possible causes of delayed pregnancy include:
1. Missed ovulation
In order for pregnancy to occur, the sperm must meet the egg during the ovulation period. If you are trying to get pregnant without paying attention to the ovulation periods, you may be trying to conceive at the wrong time during the month.
Tracking your period and determining when you ovulate can help address this problem.
2. Ovulation problems
All health problems that lead to poor or non-occurrence of ovulation reduce the chances of pregnancy, and when ovulation does not occur, it is impossible for pregnancy to occur.
3. Male fertility problems
The reason for the delay in conception may be the man’s fluid, semen and sperm problems, as the issue is not only related to the number of sperm, but also to their shape and movement.
Semen and sperm health can be confirmed by performing a semen analysis
4. Aging
Regardless of gender, all people with age suffer from difficulty in conceiving, as the chances of pregnancy in a woman decrease with age, and the fertility of men decreases with age.
5. Fallopian tube problems
If the woman suffers from problems and obstruction in the fallopian tubes, this will lead to a delay in pregnancy; This is because the eggs then will not be able to reach a safe place for implantation and fertilization to occur.
6. Lesions in the uterus
In order for pregnancy to occur, an egg fertilized by a sperm must be implanted in the uterus. An improper uterus or one in which tissue accumulates can prevent this natural process, and therefore this will lead to a delay in conception.
7. Birth control
Some birth control methods may affect future fertility even if they are stopped. Birth control methods that do not affect future fertility include condoms and birth control pills.
While others affect fertility, such as: the contraceptive injection, it may delay fertility for several months.
8. Infection with other medical pests
There are many other medical problems that may affect fertility, the most prominent of which are the following:
Polycystic ovary syndrome.