Head of Department Dr. Victor Verbat

Arthroplasty, Total Joint Replacement

Dr Victor Verbat is A specialist in general, orthopedic and trauma surgery, he joined the team of the surgical department at Moutier Hospital. Dr Victor Verbat was born on January 16, 1971 in the Czech Republic. He is married and has two children. He began his medical studies in 1989 at the Faculty of Medicine of Olomouc in his native country. In 1998 he graduated in General Surgery and Cardiac Surgery from Charles University in Prague. Between 1998 and 2004, he validated his French medical course at the Faculty of Medicine of Limoges then began his surgical internship from 2004 to 2009 in the hospitals of Dijon as a surgical intern. In 2009, he was appointed head of clinic-assistant in orthopedic surgery at the Clermont Ferrand University Hospital. In 2011, he was hired as a hospital practitioner at the CHR in Annecy en Genevois in orthopedic and trauma surgery. In 2014, he obtained the Swiss recognition MEBEKO of Doctor of Medicine and specialist in general, orthopedic and trauma surgery. He then worked for 6 years as an orthopedic surgeon in the private sector in Switzerland. From 2015 to 2019, he collaborated in parallel with the HUG in pediatric orthopedic surgery.

200 Euro Conversation Price
  • Current job Vice President of Orthopedics at hospital du Jura Bernois SA, Berne, Switzerland.
  • Speciality Arthroplasty, Total Joint Replacement
  • Experience 20 Years
  • Language English, French,
  • Country Switzerland