Consultant Dr. Ramnik Patel MD,MS,MCh, FRCSEd, FRCS(Ped Surg), FEBPS, DCH, DRCOG, DA

Pediatric surgery and pediatric urology

Experience: 4 yrs. General Surgical Basic Surgical Training, 3 Yrs. Ped Surgical Higher Surgical Training overseas, 8 years cons pediatric surgeon in India, 8 years cons pediatric surgeon overseas, 16 years in all areas of Ped Surgery in the UK in Specialist SAS Grade with mandatory 4th year FTTA with Foreign Training and National Training numbers and one year of pediatric surgical fellow/Instructor in pediatric surgery in the USA. In this role to act in a senior registrar role and share clinical duties with trainees and junior registrars in Pediatric Surgery. I have participated in all team activities, including operating in theatre, outpatient clinics, emergency case review and management, clinical research, junior staff teaching, nursing, physician assistant(PA), surgical assistant(SA) and medical students teaching and nursing, PA/SA, junior and senior staff teaching, training interns, junior and senior residents and trainees, audit, morbidity and mortality, and attend all clinical and radiological meetings and teaching and education sessions within the hospital and department.

99 Euro Conversation Price
  • Current job Specialist Pediatric Surg/Pediatric Urologist at the NHS, UK
  • Speciality Pediatric surgery and pediatric urology
  • Experience 30 Years
  • Language English, Hindi,
  • Country United Kingdom