اخصائي دكتور شادي فيتز

تقويم الأسنان والفكين

Dr. Shadi Fietz finished his education as a dentist at Damascus university in 1996 und started his firt Postgradute orthodontic program and recievd hies firs spicialist Degree in orthodontics in 2000. 2005 started his secund Orthodontic Resident in the Department of Orthodontics, University of Mainz/ Germany und recievd his secund orthodontic Degree 2008 from the Chamber of Dentist and finished his 2. Ph.D. Since 2008 full time Orthodontist in Germay lecturing in the use of Mini Implants in the daily orthodontic practice worldwid. Rapid maxillary expansion with Hybrid-Hyrax expander and OMI borne maxillary expander, compliance free molar distalisation (TopJet), early skeletal treatment of Angle Cl. III, experience with the Cl. II fixed appliances (Herbst, Forsus, SUS) in combination with OMI, CMD ( TMJ ) (functional diagnosis and treatment )

250 يورو سعر محادثة الفيديو
  • الوظيفة الحالية Harmony Smile متخصص في تقويم الأسنان وأمراض المفصل. صاحب عيادة تقويم الأسنان الخاصة
  • التخصص تقويم الأسنان والفكين
  • سنوات الخبرة 20 سنة
  • اللغة العربية, English, German,
  • Country Germany